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Langsteiner Hotlux Bubble liquid is used for inhalation while your child is bathing. It helps to overcome the common cold. Protects the skin from irritation and dryness. Contains sulphur, lavender and eucalyptus oil.


* Aromatic compounds contained in lavender oil have a toning effect on the nervous system,

* perfectly regenerates the skin, accelerates wound healing, soothes irritations,

* Has a diastolic effect on: smooth muscles of the intestines, bile ducts, urinary tract,

* Diuretic and diaphoretic effect,

* Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties,

* Perfectly relaxes, relaxes, soothes the nervous system,

* Makes it easier to fall asleep, eliminates headaches, and even acts as an antidepressant and improves mood.



* Actively participates in the regeneration of the epidermis,

* Is responsible for the good condition of the skin and hair.

Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Eucalyptus oil in a hot bath is inhaled through the respiratory tract:

  • it clears the respiratory tract.
  • destroys viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa and mites,
  • eliminates all odors.

Application: for bathing during colds.


  • When filling the bathtub, pour about 12 ml of liquid (2 caps).
  • The optimum water temperature is around 36-38°C.
  • Bathing time should be about 15 minutes

Net amount: 200ml

Ingredients: purified water, cocamidopropyl betaine, coco glucoside, euramide, lauryl glucoside, NaCl, citric acid, eucalyptus oil, pine oil, lavender oil, bitter salt (magnesii heptahydricus), chlorophyll



Made in Poland



Langsteiner Babel - Bath liquid for colds for children 200 ml

SKU: 5901448250789
£8.99 Regular Price
£8.49Sale Price
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